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Microsoft Loop

Microsoft Loop
Category: Other (System)
System: Android 8.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 162


Microsoft Loop is an Android application for organizing collaborative work on projects. The platform is designed for small teams and features artificial intelligence-based functions. You can track the process of completing tasks, assign responsibilities and customize workspaces.

Work pages

To access the functionality, you need to pre-authorize with a Microsoft corporate account. After opening the program, a new workspace is displayed, where you can add projects, view other users' notes, and make edits. Multiple tasks are supported, and it is possible to customize the level of urgency and maximum execution time. In view mode up to 50 users can connect to the site at the same time. All the necessary tools are provided for differentiating authority. You can explicitly specify users who can only view information or edit it.

Artificial Intelligence

Microsoft 365 Copilot, a neural network-based tool, is available as part of the service. AI is able to write texts according to the necessary template, suggest new ideas, slogans, scenarios and much more. A short text description can be used as input.

Files and documents

The service is easily integrated with other programs from the Microsoft 365 suite. You can import spreadsheets, presentations, documents, and customize links between separate objects. Classic emoji and tags are supported for easy navigation.


  • Organization of collaborative work on a project;
  • integration with other platforms;
  • corporate account required;
  • built-in AI-based tool;
  • free download.
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