Umka Mall

Category: Online shopping and shopping
System: Android 4.1
Program Status: Free
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Umka Mall is a special app that everyone who likes to order goods from abroad will need. In particular, from China. Here you will be able to order directly from manufacturers, without intermediaries. So you can save a decent amount of money. The main thing is to be able to choose the right seller.
Catalog of goods
A very nice bonus of this service is that it provides free shipping. Regardless of the cost of the goods, its delivery will not make the price tag bigger. In the product catalog, you can find everything you need. It is worth noting that the general categories here are very few, only about 10. But this does not mean that the search is organized inconveniently. In each section there are many additional sections. For example, if you choose the electronics category, then within it there will be additional categories for smart watches, laptops, home appliances and so on. And when you find the right product, you can see it with the help of photos. The photos are accompanied by a description, as well as listing the technical specifications of the product. This is necessary so that the user can see what he is giving his money for.Interface
Umka Mall application has a very simple and minimalistic interface. Any user will be able to understand it. At the bottom is the main navigation inside the program. There are only 4 buttons on the navigation bar, which allow you to go to the cart, main page, catalog of favorite products and your profile. But to access the main catalog, you will need to click on a special button, which is located in the upper left corner. There is also a button to access the sale. As you can see, the interface of the program is not overloaded with unnecessary buttons.Directory
There is a special directory here, which is built into the program at once. It does not need to be installed additionally. With the help of the directory, the user will be able to understand the purpose of different buttons. If you are confused in the interface, just read the guide, and everything will become clear.Key Features
- You can easily search for products, both by name and by keywords;
- Each product page has its own photos as well as a description;
- You can add items to your cart in one click;
- There is a directory;
- There is an auction and a sale;
- There is a tab with favorite products;
- All purchases are made directly from China, without intermediaries;
- Simple interface;
- Works even on older versions of android.
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