Brutus AET2

Category: Other (System)
System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1, 10
Program Status: Free
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Brutus AET2 is a small program designed to find combinations using the "Brute force" method. This utility is the leader of software solutions in its field. Brutus AET2 is a utility for Windows operating systems, with the help of this software it is possible to generate passwords by Brute force method.
Functions of Brutus AET2 software utility
The Brutus AET2 method of operation is based on the algorithm of brute force search of different variants of user name (login) and password, these combinations are taken from the database. This feature of this utility implies that the end user should think in advance about the availability of such a database for the effective operation of the program. Dictionaries or other text files with different combinations can be used as the source of the database. If a dictionary is used as a base, the presence of a Cyrillic dictionary along with a Latin dictionary will increase the efficiency of the utility. Brutus AET2 has an option to use a password generator based on a predefined length and character set. Despite the high performance of the program, the working time of this method increases due to the fact that the utility has to search through many more possible combinations.Brutus AET2 interface
When you first get acquainted with the Brutus AET2 program, it can scare you with its redundant interface. The reason for this phenomenon is that the developers of this product have not updated the components of their creation for a long time. For this very reason, there is no Russian localization of the program. The utility is not planned to be updated in the future. To fully use Brutus AET2 utility, it is desirable to know English at least at an intermediate level. Also, knowledge of how such programs function and the principle of their operation will be useful to correctly configure the parameters of the utility before starting it.The main features of the Brutus AET2 program are as follows
- Result search through various databases;
- password generator;
- laconic menu;
- support of popular protocols and forms of address;
- availability of the "restore session" and "postpone session" functions;
- The disadvantages include the lack of Russian-language localization, as well as the lack of updates, due to which this product is not developed.
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