Quick Draw

Quick Draw
Category: Entertainment
System: Android 5.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 645


Quick Draw is a popular Android-based service. With the help of this utility there is an opportunity to start developing machine learning technologies. Each user has a chance to play with a neural network, where it will be necessary to guess objects. It is important to perform tasks, thereby drawing certain objects. As for the artificial intelligence, it will have to guess what exactly is depicted on the human side.


The application was developed by the famous company Google, as the best tool for training a neural network, which is currently particularly popular. Players have to go through six rounds, and each task is usually given 20 seconds to complete. In addition, tools such as a pencil and eraser can also be found here. When starting to draw, the neural network makes assumptions that relate to the depicted object.


When the game is finished, you can evaluate the result on the screen, namely, the number of correctly completed tasks, rounds where the neural network failed to recognize the object. Of course, you can compare your results with the results of other users. This computer model is usually self-learning. In simple words, the more people will play, the more and better neural network can start to recognize the drawn objects.


  • The service is famous for the fact that it is quite possible to use it for free, as there are no restrictions.
  • In addition, you can play with the neural network, guessing the drawn objects.
  • In general, the game includes six rounds.
  • Also, there is an opportunity to see the most successful drawings that were created by other players.
Do not forget that the application is fully compatible with the current to date, Android versions.
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