» Windows » System » Other (System) » Phone Location

Phone Location

Phone Location
Category: Other (System)
System: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 7 030


The Phone Location application is designed to quickly determine the current location of a subscriber. The accuracy claimed by the developer is 2-3 meters. Only the phone number is used as input data. It is possible to check whether a certain number is used now.


The description states that such a high accuracy of geolocation of the mobile device is provided by modern technologies and infrastructure. Information from satellites is used to fix the coordinates. The use of only cell towers due to the peculiarities of signal transmission does not allow to achieve a high enough accuracy, regardless of the program capabilities.


The latest version of the application works correctly with all current versions of Windows. It is stated that the application works very fast, which allows you to quickly get the result on the screen. The platform can be used to check the existence of an arbitrary number - just enter the number in the search window and check the result. GSM and UMTS technologies are supported. The most obvious use case is when a phone is lost or stolen. Cellular operators usually do not provide sufficiently functional services for independent and fast search of devices. Appealing to the police does not always lead to results either. The interface is designed for inexperienced users. The number of settings is minimal. Difficulties in most cases do not arise.

Key features

  • accurate location of the device;
  • simple interface, minimal number of settings;
  • the application is currently categorized as fraudulent because the functionality stated in the description is not provided.
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