join me

join me
Category: Webcams
System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 249


Join me is a Windows application for launching video conferences. There is a built-in chat, integration with Outlook platform for sending reminders is supported.


To work with the application, you need to create an account beforehand. You need to specify your e-mail and password, additionally you can upload an avatar and add a company name. The scheme of launching a new conference is standard. The user needs to activate the corresponding option, specify the necessary parameters, customize the login mode and confirm the launch of a new meeting. In response, the application will provide a generated link that should be sent to other users to connect. When the user navigates, he or she either immediately connects to the room or waits for the administrator's confirmation. This parameter is specified during the process of creating a new meeting. This allows you to strictly limit the number of participants, if necessary. Even if an outsider receives this link, he or she will not be able to use it.


The application allows you to use video and voice communication. During the conference, pictures from other users' cameras are displayed in separate bubbles. The user interface allows to disable the microphone and camera, also it can be done by the administrator through his panel. The function of screen demonstration and recording the entire broadcast to a file is built in. A convenient text chat is provided, which allows you to exchange messages and additional content.


  • The application allows you to organize an online meeting;
  • there is a built-in chat;
  • to connect a new user you need to follow a special link;
  • screen demonstration by any user and broadcast recording mode;
  • only the demo version is available for free download.
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