» Android » Network » Markets » APKPure


Category: Markets
System: Android 2.3
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 26 145


APKPure is a high-quality application market where you can buy various mobile software, books, music games, movies absolutely free. The program is a well-adapted clone of Google Play Market. In the service there are no intrusive advertisements and certain regional restrictions for users. Currently, the original virtual shopping store from Google has a large number of unofficial "alternatives" on the expanses of the network. Some of them are made qualitatively and at a high level, and some are not. APKPure is precisely among the former.


The main advantage of the market is the availability and ease of use. The service does not require registration in the system and confirmation of user authorization. You do not need to create an account like Play Market, you just download the application and immediately get to work. The site has a simple and democratic policy, the rules for publishing content are not rigid and do not have strict censorship. The user has a great choice and freedom of action without any restrictions. Applications are available completely free, even those that in the Google Market are paid or unavailable in your region.


Low compatibility with early versions of Android OS. Owners of operating system firmware lower than 4.3 will not be able to download the software. The client works with the latest and up-to-date databases. Also a minus can be noted the lack of confidence in the proposed content. The administration of the site assures users that the downloaded materials are consistently tested for viruses. But, nevertheless, it is worth paying attention to what you download, and pre-install a mobile antivirus on your device.

Graphical shell

The interface has nothing new and navigation is done at a standard level. There is a classification of content by category. The installed products can be updated. The search engine of the application is more accurate and has more parmeters to search.


  • Huge database of free downloadable content;
  • Free and affordable installation of content that has regional restrictions or paid access in the Google Play marketplace;
  • Ability to update products purchased from the marketplace;
  • Lack of support for outdated versions of the Android OS.
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