Popular Up

Popular Up
Category: Other (System)
System: Android 4.0
Program Status: Free
Looking at the file: 244


Popular Up is a free Android utility that allows you to increase your audience on the popular social platform Instagram. Users are able to increase the number of views, positive ratings and subscriptions.

Increasing the audience

When launching the mobile utility for the first time, the user will need to enter data from his Instagram profile. Then the functionality to promote his blog will open for the user. The user can order likes and views for his posts, as well as subscriptions to the page.

Payment for services

Promotion services are purchased for virtual coins. The user has two options on how to get them. The first involves buying local currency for real money. The mobile service accepts payment via Google Pay or online wallet PayPal the second method allows you to get gold coins without investing your own money. To get free coins, users can perform various tasks. Among them: inviting friends, subscribing to other people's accounts, evaluating the service on a five-point scale, participating in special promotions, viewing other posts from the social network and so on. In addition, users can watch advertising content, for which also accrue virtual coins. You can earn coins for participation in the referral program. A user receives an individual link. If other people follow it and register, the user is credited with virtual coins.


  • Free service for expanding the audience in Instagram ;
  • full-fledged work on current versions of mobile OC;
  • Internal currency is used to buy views, subscriptions and likes;
  • There is an opportunity to buy coins or get free coins for running errands;
  • There is a referral program to get internal currency.
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