The Windows Update Blocker application allows you to reliably block automatic update downloads. As a bonus, you can separately customize the activation settings of some services that have the ability

SSD Fresh is a Windows application for changing the operating mode of SSD drives. You can optimize settings, extend the life of the drive, and improve performance. You can access SMART data and

Game Prelauncher is a software for Windows devices. With the help of the functionality available in the application, you can prepare your laptop or personal computer for the launch of video games. To

USBDeview is a Windows computer program whose purpose is to allow you to view a list of USB hardware and check the characteristics. It also allows you to turn off devices and change data properties

PowerOff is a Windows application for automating work on your PC with a built-in multi-functional scheduler. You can start applications at specific times and customize automatic shutdown and initiate

Autologon is a Windows application that allows you to log in automatically when you turn on your PC. At the initial setup stage, you need to specify authorization data, including computer name and

RegCleaner is a program for Windows-based computers and laptops. Users of the utility can clean the device from unnecessary and temporary files. There is a function to change the list of applications

Taskbar X is a Windows application for flexible customization of the regular taskbar. You can change the appearance of icons, transparency level, work with sidebars and much more. Additionally, you

Chromatia tuner is a Windows application designed for tuning various musical instruments. In the process of work the spectrogram is displayed, which facilitates the work. A user-friendly interface is

THX Spatial Audio is a specialized utility that is designed to work with headphones from Razer. The primary function of the program is to provide the ability to configure and control the headphones.