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KAYAK is an Android application for organizing travel. You can plan the main steps, including choosing a hotel and buying tickets. The service analyzes hotel offers and flight schedules, choosing the

Simple Map Creator Isometric is a simple application whose functions are designed to create maps. With its help, you can transfer a neighborhood, city, street and so on to a map. All works are

Garmin Pilot is an excellent radar and assistant for Android devices, with the help of which you can plan a flight. The developers have implemented a huge number of useful and additional tools to

FATMAP is a mobile program designed for lovers of travel, cycling, horseback riding and other active activities. The utility allows users to create travel routes. The program also has a tab with a

Segway Ninebot is a software for Android devices, which is responsible for working with branded segways, gyroscooters, scooters and other vehicles. Through the utility, users can control electric

The program is designed for navigation on highways. It provides the ability to create a route of any complexity, use the built-in map, find out the current location of traffic jams and traffic police

Urban Quest utility for Android performs the function of a guide, which works in the format of performing a variety of tasks. Users can get acquainted with interesting locations on the map when

GPS Live is a useful application for cell phone, with which you can navigate to an object or point in space using offline maps. It does not require a permanent connection to the network. Maps and

Airbnb is a utility that can be used to find properties to rent while on vacation or traveling. You can search for properties based on a variety of filters, which makes the search process much

Gaia GPS is a specialized program that implements maps for route guidance and travel. Thanks to it, you can synchronize traveled paths between different units and share relevant links. This utility