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BiKi is an official Android application from the eponymous cryptocurrency exchange (Singapore). The platform was launched relatively recently, but it is actively developing and has quite a lot of

TLS Tunnel is an Android application for connecting a mobile device to a VPN network. All traffic passes through an intermediate server, which provides a number of advantages, including bypassing

Power VPN is an Android application for working through a virtual private network. It allows you to increase anonymity and bypass regional blocking. Security is also improved by implementing

TopJob uz is a mobile utility that can be used by residents of Uzbekistan. Through this program it is allowed to place orders for various jobs. The utility also allows you to accept orders for their

FanToMath is an officially presented application for Android systems from the first educational portal of Kazakhstan. Through the presented platform, the student receives distance learning in any

Speed VPN Fast - the presented program works only on mobile devices with current Android systems. It helps users to create a reliable protection of their personal information when they are on the

Moneyveo - the presented mobile utility assists users in obtaining borrowed funds online. It is designed for residents of Ukraine. The program is designed specifically for the site of the same name,

IDCM is a mobile client of an online platform that specializes in trading currency pairs and digital coins. Many tokens are supported, including Tether, Polygon and Solana. There is access to a

Cashberu Coin is a utility for mobile devices that creates a wallet for users to store the digital currency (crypto) of the same name. It performs all operations for the use of CBC cryptocurrency,

MOTTO CLUB - this application allows you to purchase fuel for vehicles in Ukraine. The program will help you find the nearest gas station, if necessary, using geolocation. Users can buy gasoline or